Twas the day before Stitches and all through the house…
Thursday February 22nd 2018, 11:53 pm
Filed under: Family,Food,Life

Finished that cowl.

Found a rental scooter. (The batteries on mine are fine, the scooter, not so much. Props to Richard for asking me to check it out a week ago, not so much to me for not doing so till last night.) The rental is the 2018 version of mine right down to the color so the controls are very familiar to me. Its basket is noticeably smaller, though–clearly its designer was not comprehending the Stitches yarns concept.

Tried to clear up space on my phone so I can start taking pictures again.

Got sent this one from my daughter’s.

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So relieved, so happy, so grateful.

I know you will have a great time!

Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 02.23.18 @ 6:28 am

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