The rest of the Tropic Snow peach flowers have opened and the tree is just glorious.
I had to wind, scour, and let dry the next 300+ grams of the coned afghan yarn, having run out of what was ready, so knitting-wise I had a day or two on my hands.
Thus this cowl of long-hoarded Handmaiden’s Camelspin came to be. Lovely stuff, from lovely people, made mostly of silk and it puddles just so (lack of selfie skills notwithstanding.) Nova Scotia was the colorway, if I remember right, and there’s a bit more green to it than shows here.
I really, really like this. I really like even more anticipating surprising the person it’s for.
There’s enough yardage left from the one ball that I could make a second cowl, and it wouldn’t have to be too much smaller.
4 Comments so far
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How beautiful! The peach flowers *and* the cowl! I love the color of the Camelspin. I have some Handmaiden Seasilk in a similiar color. You’ve inspired me to dig it out of my stash. Thanks!
Comment by Pegi 02.11.18 @ 6:02 amOh, the flowers are beautiful and so is the cowl! Enjoy the view and the yarn.
Comment by ccr in MA 02.11.18 @ 8:48 amSuch beauty! Such kindness! Such generosity – from Nature and you!
Thank you for adding beauty to this world, to my day.
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 02.11.18 @ 9:47 amYesterday I went out to fill the bird feeder and thought, how odd, it seems to be hanging lower. Then I realized, no, I’m standing higher – on top of probably 10″ of packed snow! That is how far I am from gorgeous blossoms. I thank you for the reminder that they will come!
Comment by twinsetellen 02.14.18 @ 8:06 amLeave a comment
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