I almost missed it. There was the most stunning sunset going on, deep pinkĀ and blue streaks as far as the eye could see from right to left and up to down. I walked out the front door to see if it reached clear to the east as well.
Which it did. But more importantly, an older neighbor was out front as well and I went over to say hi; I don’t get to as often as I’d like.
Turns out it was a day when things were going a little rough for her medically, and though she’s not one to complain, today she just needed a listening ear. But first she told me, It IS a beautiful sunset! And that set the tone.
Her triplet grandchildren are in college already?! How on earth did THAT happen?
She laughed: I know, right? Then she told me the suddenness of the empty nest was an adjustment for her daughter-in-law. “She’s a *good* mother.” A few minutes later she said it again, wanting me to know just how much she thought the world of the woman her son had married.
I’d caught her between her car and her front door, which when she went through a few minutes later, she no longer felt so alone.
And all because Someone had nudged me: Hey. You. Look at this sky I made–no, no, go, Look.
1 Comment so far
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Your post gives me chills!
Kindness all around and beauty to frame it.
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 02.10.18 @ 8:42 amLeave a comment
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