Filed under: Knit
It had felted to itself a bit in the scouring and was a pain to separate, yard after yard. I knew that going in–I’ve done this before (but I wanted to preshrink this as much as possible in the expectation that it would go through the laundry later.) It was 332 grams and the length to match. I pretty much knew that, too.
But today I told myself my Sabbath day of rest was over and it was time to tackle it anyway, and with visions of finding the perfect swift and big-ball winder at Stitches next week so as to avoid this next time, I gradually created what my husband calls a yarn planet to continue the afghan from. Knowing I might have to do this one last time for it. Maybe not.
Subtract 36 g for the cardboard, and that cone still has 572 grams left vs. the 332 scoured and plumped up next to it.
The afghan. It’s coming. Slowly, but it’s coming.
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