Brown, blue, what else do you knit for a guy?
Sunday February 11th 2018, 10:34 pm
Filed under: Friends,Knitting a Gift,Life

As of just now there is a second soft, washable wool beanie (Bobby Blue to go with the previous Stonechat brown mix) to mail to my friend with the massive skull scar curving widely from the top of his head and halfway down  in front of his ear. The good news is that it was a slow tumor, and there are treatments in trials for curing it. They couldn’t get it all, but they believe they bought him plenty of time before they have to face it again and there is great cause for hope. Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts Jerry’s way.

The best news is that he feels completely himself again with it gone, and that was no sure thing going in.

(Note to self: Malabrigo Rios, size US6 needles for the body of the hat, 80 stitches was the right number in stockinette. I considered doing cables but thought, nah, he doesn’t need the extra warmth where he lives. He just needs not to look quite so Star Wars bar scene-ish while his incision line gradually recedes.)

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Other color suggestions: Forest green? Brick red?

Another way to cover head scars is using a Buff. Good way to protect from sun, too.

Comment by Anne 02.11.18 @ 11:44 pm

What great news! I’m so very glad it’s slow-growing, and that there are treatment possibilities.

How about something almost flesh-colored? Tan? Light brown?

Comment by Pegi 02.12.18 @ 5:04 am

Sending a prayer of gratitude for this good news.

I bet there will be an extra ply of kindness in your knitting for him.

Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 02.12.18 @ 6:31 am

Gray is also a good “guy” color. Depends on the guy, a royal blue, bright red, hunter orange, or dark purple.

Ongoing prayers.

Comment by Mary 02.12.18 @ 8:46 am

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