And a little child shall lead them
Saturday February 24th 2018, 11:20 pm
Filed under: Friends,Life

There was a young mom with her infant in a front pack, her adorable young toddler whose legs still wobbled occasionally, and a friend to walk the aisles with her at Stitches to help keep a second pair of eyes on him.

And suddenly there was a finger puppet, because in that crowded venue among so many strangers it was something he was going to need. Something wooly and bright and soft of his own.

His mommy had him waving thank you for it.

I smiled a been there at the women and got out of their way.

So here I was an hour or so later suddenly realizing that they were coming at me from a side aisle–and that that little boy, not yet old enough to talk (or at least not among lots of strangers) had seen me before I’d seen him, because I didn’t notice him till just as his hands moved at the basket on my scooter, having gotten ahead of the grown-ups at seeing me.

He had grabbed a quite-small skein of light pink exquisite softness his mommy had just bought and was stuffing it in on top of my Neighborhood Fiber skeins: clearly that was where I wanted my yarns to go. I didn’t see the label and don’t know what it was but it was clearly the good stuff.

That was one of the best thank-you presents I have ever been given.

His mom suddenly saw and was apologizing to me but clearly also delighted at the graciousness of his intent and we were both very proud of him. I thanked him.

And handed it back to her.

He wanted to fix that and do right by me–didn’t we understand? His mom and I both laughed with love and gently insisted it needed to stay with her. But to make sure he knew he wasn’t being scolded nor his gift rejected but rather, praise had been earned, I thanked him again for the lovely gift.

He is going to be a good man when he grows up.

4 Comments so far
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How sweet. Missed seeing you ( and others)

Comment by Ruth 02.24.18 @ 11:37 pm

Wonderful! Clearly he’s being raised right.

Comment by ccr in MA 02.25.18 @ 2:38 pm

What? You didn’t turn that scooter and put the pedal to the metal to take off with that precious thank you gift?

Oh, wait, that wouldn’t be like you at all, now that I think about it. The excitement got the better of me. 😉

Comment by twinsetellen 02.25.18 @ 6:30 pm

What a wonderful gesture – on both your parts!

Congratulations on his parents for raising such a fine human being.

Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 02.25.18 @ 6:45 pm

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