Warmth that’s easy to put on one-handed
Sunday January 21st 2018, 11:37 pm
Filed under: Friends,Knitting a Gift,Life

I didn’t take this one to church last week. I couldn’t tell you why not, other than the passing thought of maybe I’d keep it for myself. The way the yarn was spun makes it look a little bit nubbly but it is marvelously soft and I love the color.

Yeah, I didn’t believe I would either–because I knew there was enough yarn left to at least make a smaller version. But still, that merino/silk stayed home.

Not today. Today it definitely insisted it was coming with me. I thought I was ready to head out the door to church but it called me back somehow. Okay. I walked halfway across the house and retrieved it just in time.

It was not picked out by the friend who went for the beige cashmere. (Whom I said “Happy Birthday!” to, having no idea it really had been her birthday two weeks ago.) It was passed over by the friend who picked the silver Classic Elite Chalet baby alpaca that I finished yesterday. (Yay for overnight drying.)

And then, at the last meeting, I saw Candice and what she was wearing and was suddenly pretty sure of myself. But first things first: ask, because you never know, and people should always have a choice and not just have to be polite at you. “Is this a good shade of blue?”

She exclaimed as I pulled it out, “That is the PERFECT shade of blue! Ohmygosh, is this for me?!”

Note that she is the mother of three small children. Note that this week, her husband’s been out of town and she’s been coping with the kids missing him as much as she has. (I saw one being weepy and remembered those days.) Note that this week is the week, it turned out, that she broke her wrist, while trying to hold everybody together in his absence.

I’d had no idea.

She didn’t need that cowl last week. She needed that cowl this week. It’s not just about the color.

6 Comments so far
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I agree – the color is secondary. Thank you for your ministry.

Comment by Pegi 01.22.18 @ 5:01 am

I love how your kindness and generosity seems to be so in tune with the Universe.

May you and yours be blessed tenfold!

Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 01.22.18 @ 6:53 am

On a cold and blustery morning in Minnesota, I popped over here for some warmth, sure I would get it. And I did.

Comment by twinsetellen 01.22.18 @ 7:57 am

When ours were little (one in cloth diapers) DH had to fly off for a weeklong meeting. The day before he left I had a glass break while washing dishes. Multiple stitches in one hand. One friend, who became queasy at the sight of an injury, came by daily to change the bandage on my hand until Howard came home. That double blessing, that someone cared and that I wasn’t alone, helped so much! So I am sure Candice felt so much better!

Comment by Mary 01.22.18 @ 8:01 am

What is your go-to merino silk? DH just received a hat made of Rowan brand (now discontinued) and is insisting I should get a sweater quantity of something similar for myself.

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Comment by BestHwa 08.17.18 @ 7:38 am

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