So here was the plan: today the weather was clear. I was going to get a few things at Costco and then do a quick run to Trader Joe’s, in part because we are supposed to be absolutely inundated with rain Monday and that is something I don’t want to feel any complaints about–we need that water. There will likely be some flooding and there will definitely be some bad driving on the road then. We were running low on juices and Richard is still recovering from the flu and it made no sense not to get it all done today.
I wanted to finish that cowl but it was time to put it down and just go.
I decided to run home between the two stores to put the cold things away. Walking in the door, I noted that the pimply Halloween pumpkin (chosen for its oddities) was still holding court there as always but it had finally been discovered by the squirrels. Maybe time to chuck it into the city’s compostables bin, but the thing still had character to it, I was busy, and I left it there for the moment.
This, into the fridge, that, into the freezer, I walked down the hall for something–
–wait. Can you–is that?
I opened the front door and shut it again fast. Man. I didn’t see the skunk but it was right outside there somewhere in the early dark and it had already declared loudly how very unhappy it felt. I hadn’t heard the neighbor’s dog bark to set it off, and besides, it was closer than that–maybe there were two of them arguing over territory? In our yard? Wouldn’t that be peachy?
It was probably able to watch me standing there in the light of the doorway even if I wasn’t seeing it.
Let me assure you Sir Pepe Le Peu that you are welcome to all the pumpkin you want. Gourmet variety, I assure you. (I would have to open the gate and step further into the dark to chuck it and if the skunk was on the other side of that gate than I would be scaring it into a corner to do so. Let’s not.)
I waited a few hours before I finally risked all and Wonder Womaned it out of there: we now have milk and apple juice and cream for that sticky toffee pudding recipe I want to try. Do I go for the classic, the full-calorie version, or the dairy-free oat flour healthy one (with regular sugar) that sounds like it’s actually more like Trader Joe’s’s that was so good? Is there an Instant Pot recipe? Anybody made this, any suggestions?
The door is now closed tight for the night. The pumpkin awaits (as far as I know, anyway.) Let the wild rumpus begin.
3 Comments so far
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Oh, the memory of when my mother threw water on a skunk (thinking it was a cat) in the hot, summer nights before air-conditioning. I was going to ask if you got tomato juice in case but now see from the Google oracle that it doesn’t work. Enjoy your pudding!
Comment by LynnM 01.07.18 @ 2:42 amI love sticky toffee pudding! I lived in England for 4 years in the 80s (my first husband was in the Air Force), and I gleefully partook of all sorts of puddings. Go for the traditional recipe! I love it with custard on top. It cuts the sweetness and gilds that lily beautifully.
Comment by Pegi 01.07.18 @ 7:09 amlol remembering a night when I lived in south Texas. Our bedroom was at the end of the house and I guess for fire reasons there was a door to the backyard by the bedroom bathroom. I let the dog out in the middle of the night at another door as one does and then she was barking like crazy at the bedroom outside door. Okay, darn it. I opened the door to shout at her to shut up, saw the white stripe next to my feet and shut the door before I could finish yelling at the dog. It didn’t get me but the poor dog spend a lot of time in tomato juice and vinegar rinses over the next days. lol (this was something like 35 years ago)
Comment by Helen 01.07.18 @ 1:16 pmLeave a comment
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