My sister’s son and his wife had a baby at Thanksgiving, and they were flying to, you guessed it, Salt Lake City from Atlanta that same week to show off the baby to her dad. We so wanted to see them and to meet their little boy but the overlap time on our trips was tight.
We got up early (our time) Friday morning and hoped that the rush-hour traffic would allow them to make it.
They showed up late and apologetic because the baby had soaked through his clothes just as they were leaving…
We chuckled. Hey. Babies’ superpower is wrecking your walking-out-the-doors.
And so we got to meet her dad, who was driving them to the airport, and to spend about fifteen minutes together. I surprised them with a soft wool hat. (Color in link.) Washable, because hey, I remember what it’s like. (My daughter said her nine-month-old, while his diaper was being changed last week, managed to spray himself in the face rather than them and was quite outraged at the indignity. Clearly, washable hats are all the more the way to go.)
It is amazing how much living can cram its way into fifteen finite minutes. It was a privilege to see the two of them so happy in their new parenthood as their wide-eyed little one took in the new faces and scenery around him before being whisked off to the crowds and the skies and at last, home.
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Amazing that it was all possible, in the end!
And why am I not surprise there was a hat in your purse? 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 01.31.18 @ 6:50 amLeave a comment
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