December first. Thirty-eight degrees last night. I went out this morning and around to the side of the house to the Sungold tomato hedge that is a single monster plant, and it was happily carrying on as usual.
There was a deep orange cherry tomato tucked halfway down that I’d missed earlier. I was curious. I know that any fruit or vegetable you pick will be sweetest earliest in the morning; I also know that tomatoes have a gene that turns the sweetness off if the fruitĀ gets too chilled, which is why you don’t put them in the fridge.
It wasn’t a summertime Sungold but it was still definitely a good tomato. I didn’t know you could still get that this time of year.
Still. It’s probably time to pick all the big green ones and bring them inside.
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Ripening in newspaper really works, just remember where you put them. When I was a kid I discovered a box in the basement my mom was ripening and had forgot about, but just in time! Could have been a disaster but as it was, I was a hero!
Comment by LynnM 12.02.17 @ 2:53 amLeave a comment
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