Early this morning I went outside with a paper bag and scissors in hand and snipped off all the clusters of larger and near-ripe tomatoes from the Sungold to ripen them inside. Just in case. There are easily this many more still out there, but they were small and best left to chance.
It’s 9:40 pm and forget the forecast of 41, it’s 35 already out there. I think I got these just in time.
Oh and. You know how we replaced the double oven recently because it sparked and arced and tried to burn the house down and the dishwasher because it got caught in the act of scorching the floor? We got a recall notice Saturday on the new Bosch: its cord catches on fire.
California doesn’t need any more fires, thankyouverymuch. All of you in SoCal–stay safe.
Today the washing machine died. Again. We’ve had its transmission replaced twice already; I’m guessing it just really doesn’t like my repeatedly putting individual hand-washed items in on spin-only. Tough beans. I’m going to do it anyway.
Just not tonight, clearly.
3 Comments so far
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Sounds like a busy for you.
I’m glad you’re not letting the washing machine twist your arm into submission. hihihi
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 12.06.17 @ 6:25 amThe constant war between man and the machines designed to “make life better” never ceases to amaze me. We have been lucky (it also helps to be married to Mr. Fixit) and have only had to replace our washing machine and dryer 3 times in our 34+ years. It did have a lot of heavy duty use when all the boys were still at home though. Yesterday I was informed that our toaster is toast! He told me he went online to try to find the parts and the only thing listed was a set of plastic tongs to use to get the bread out of the toaster when the mechanism to pop it up died (he tried several sites too). Oh well – time to hit up the used stuff stores and find an older one that still works!
Comment by chris 12.06.17 @ 7:04 amOur appliances are out to get us. We might as well name them all HAL and be done with it.
Comment by suburbancorrespondent 12.06.17 @ 7:14 amLeave a comment
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