Karen (who’s gone there with me once before) : You want to drive towards the fire? To all the smoke?
Me, confused: LA, Oregon–the skies are hazy but they’re certainly not close…
Karen: The fire! In Gilroy! Don’t you read the newspaper?
Me: Huh. The online version, other than Sundays. But I just was on the Merc’s website and there wasn’t anything about a fire in Gilroy.
Karen: Well, it’s all over the physical paper!
Me: (Went and looked. Didn’t find it at first. You had to follow a certain path: home page/local/county (get the right county)–oh THERE it is. Yow!
And so we waited a few days while the firefighters firefought. And then today, with her driving this time (because, life) we finally made it back to Andy’s Orchard.
Where they still had peaches after all. Fairtime and the well-named Last Chance, enormous and beckoning. Homegrown cherry tomato for scale.
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