Friday September 08th 2017, 10:12 pm
Filed under: Spinning
Filed under: Spinning
When does 2263 x 4 = 1013?
When it’s 4 plies from 2263 meter cones twisted together plus 4 of those plies twisted together minus those new 2 yarns plied together, the strands traveling around and around and back around each other and the result measured in yards.
Not all the cones were that length but the ones I finished off tonight were.
Now, one tries to get the two original bobbins to the same length as humanly possible so they’ll match up. But still. Twenty-three inches out of 172 yards? I’m going to brag a little. (This time. Till next time.)
My friend Karen yesterday observed, You’re using your wheel.
I handed her some of that finished, scoured yarn to fondle a moment–and then she understood why.
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Love made tangible, yet again. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 09.11.17 @ 5:43 amLeave a comment
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