Finished that cowl (yesterday’s picture had the color right, although, it is wet in this one), restarted the Camelspin, and on a 107F day was acutely grateful for air conditioning. Solar powered, too, so it costs not a dime to run.
We got a photo from Sam: Alaskan temps were in the high 40s and Mathias needed his Grammy hat on.
He was determined to hold that squishy Malabrigo Rios softness right there in his hands where it belonged.
Clearly there need to be more of these.
2 Comments so far
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Oh, that beautiful face! I plan to spend my weekend starting on my Christmas knitting. You’ve inspired me to make cowls for everyone!
Comment by Pegi 09.02.17 @ 3:57 amHe knows what is right and good and is determined to hold on to it – you go Mathias! Air conditioning is not very practical in the mile high area – we are already so very dry that “swamp cooling” seems to be the better way to go. We love ours and so do our respiratory systems!
Comment by chris 09.02.17 @ 7:31 amLeave a comment
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