The birdnetting somehow gets moved a bit day after day–no squirrel could have done that from there (I don’t think) –and the figs have still been disappearing. And I was getting screamed at by a crow whenever I went near that tree. Although, funny how when I gave “the look” in its general direction, wherever it was, it stopped.
Research has shown that they are highly attuned to human faces.
It could see me. I couldn’t see it. But even I can hear a crow.
Hey, nice of it to remind me. (Yup, I did go back and buy a fake dead one last year but I never used it.)
After repeats of this all week long, I finally remembered at night and not in the morning when it was too late that I needed to put that bird out there.
I carried it in the shopping bag it’s been in to hide it from any glimpse through the windows, hoping it would work for the Indian Free peach and fig both even though they’re not that close. I slid it out with me between it and the tree across the fence that is where I think I’d been yelled at from, trying to block any night-vision view (it wasn’t as dark as I would have liked) and then I sprinted the heck around the corner and out of there.
So yes, I put it there myself fer cryin’ out loud, and yet it still startled me this evening when I went to water the tomatoes. Whoa! Well, good, then, so I pretended to be startled again and shied away from it every time I looked in its direction. I can play the game.
Meantime. I bought a large cone of merino/silk 50/50, steeply discounted to get rid of the last of it, in a color blend I would call bleached-out camouflage. I’d worked with that yarn before in navy and knew how nice it was. (Hey, Morgan, that’s your doubled hat.) This was a heavier and darker version of the one I played with recently and there’s a whole lot more of it.
It came yesterday and today I wound off just enough yards to make a nice cowl, tied the hank and threw it in the dyepot to see what I could talk this stuff into being.
I don’t know if I can get the other 900 grams all into one dyepot and have it come out evenly. Quite unlikely. No afghan out of this, then, no matter how practical home decor-wise, I would go nuts having to look at the blah in my hands for a month.
Such a shame. I’ll just have to splash and play and make lots of happy colors out of it. We’re talking a dozen merino/silk hats or cowls, easily.
2 Comments so far
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Your are a magician!!! Look at all that softness…
Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 08.20.17 @ 3:39 pmI can absolutely see myself doing that, putting out the fake crow and then jumping when I saw it. I hope it works! And that color on the yarn is lovely; have fun playing with that.
Comment by ccr in MA 08.21.17 @ 8:37 amLeave a comment
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