Sunday August 20th 2017, 10:36 pm
Filed under: Friends,History,Knitting a Gift,Life

1. Felt much better than yesterday.

2. Cowls: the navy merino/silk, the Malabrigo Mechita in Whales Road and in Pegoso, one of the two red/purple merino/cashmere with sparkles. (Hey, Sherry, your cashmere was well loved all over again.) Someone fairly new, whose story I don’t know but whom I don’t think I’d ever seen really smiling, broke out into all kinds of happiness at the latter–and that, I tell you, is what keeps those needles going.

The friend who’d hoped for aqua exclaimed over her Pegoso and when I said the yarn was handpainted, held it out a moment in wonder and asked, How?

I explained that they (or at least some dyers, I shouldn’t speak for all of them) lay the racetrack-shaped hank out and paint sideways.

She was fascinated by the repeats and the way adjacent stitches in different rows held the same color and just wanted to hold still and absorb it a moment.

3. Re the eclipse tomorrow, from an optometrist: There won’t be enough sun to hurt your eyes and force you to turn away to warn you that you’re still looking long enough to do permanent damage. She recommends you watch it on TV.

Me, what I find most interesting is watching the effects of an eclipse: how the light changes, how the shadows turn all sharp-angled, how the wildlife reacts. And, come to think of it, how much I’ll need a sweater on.

Also, hopefully, how empty the freeway will be (hey, everyone’s in Oregon, right?) while I go make a peach run to Andy’s.

Although–maybe after 11:37 when it’s over.

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Managed to finish the bag without changing colors! YAY! So glad the cowls were well received (as they should be)! Might try a pix of the bag to post on my blog – we’ll see. ~chris

Comment by chris 08.21.17 @ 5:09 am

How wonderful all the joy you spread around you! I like that the one giftee actually asked about the process. Adds to the magic of the gift, I think.

Does this mean you are out of projects for the week? (after you keep resting of course hihihi)

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 08.21.17 @ 6:46 am

Hi Allison, I watched it Plymouth MA in the old school method of a piece of paper with a pin hole casting the ‘shadow’ on a second piece of paper. I balanced that on my knees and took pictures with my cell phone. They are not earth shattering but I’m happy I managed it! (I gave my glasses to the grandkids in Indiana)

Comment by Helen 08.21.17 @ 1:01 pm

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