But I’m glad I did it
Friday August 11th 2017, 10:47 pm
Filed under: Knitting a Gift

Splitty yarn, a stitch that tightens everything up on the too-small-for-my-hands needles, knit in a Venn diagram with one pair of circulars with too sharp a point for that splittiness and the other too ridiculously long for such a small project… Yesterday I simply avoided the whole thing altogether.

Today I vowed I was not going to bed with it still unfinished. It will look much prettier after a little water hits it, and I need to go ice my hands, but, I did it.

It took so little yardage, really, and the cashmere fabric is to swoon over. I’m just afraid it maybe came out too small (baby sizes chart here) for its intended recipient.

But I never have to knit on this one again.

Okay, I just doused it. As always, the stitches immediately relaxed, and you know what? I think it will be perfect for exactly whom it was meant for after all. (Even if that means surprising me later.) And it’s actually hat-shaped, too, so there.

One grousing. Gone poof.

2 Comments so far
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It is lovely and looks so very soft! Love the color too – soft and lovely just like the hat. ~chris

Comment by chris 08.12.17 @ 5:30 am

I was just telling myself recently, having it DONE is more important than waiting until I can make it perfect. I like that pattern!

Comment by ccr in MA 08.13.17 @ 3:45 pm

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