Down in there somewhere
Sunday July 02nd 2017, 9:55 pm
Filed under: Friends,Life,Wildlife

We are foster fish parents for a month, trusted with someone’s children’s beloved black beta in a square goldfish bowl sitting inside a plastic modern-architecture of a holder. (We have it on a shelving unit, thus the metal wires below.)

After 24 hours it’s still swimming and it’s still coming out to eat. So far so good.

Those wispy fins waving in slow curling motion against the water are so elegant.

(I confess I did feel better about my chances of doing a decent job after its owner said what happened when they tipped a little water out to be able to transport it over here. It was an easy promise to make that I won’t have to fish it out of my disposal.)

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When my two kids were preschool age we had a pet goldfish which I put in a half gallon bottle to take on vacation with us (couldn’t find a fish sitter). Halfway through the 8 hour car ride the fish started floating to the top of the water on his side. I decided to blow into the bottle, sort of like CPR for a fish, in my mind anyway! It worked he lived another 6 months or so!

Comment by Jody 07.03.17 @ 5:30 am

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