You know it’s late, I’m rambling
Tuesday May 23rd 2017, 11:15 pm
Filed under: Family,Friends,Knit,Knitting a Gift

One badly posed Christmas stocking because hey, I finally ran all the ends in and at long last it really is done and the hour is too late to fuss with the camera to try to get a better one.

Re the back loop: I ended up picking up stitches and knitting it in stockinette stitch with a second strand woven across the back of every stitch all the way up for strength and reinforcement. It was a good move.

I’m glad I went to the post office first thing today, because the phone rang a little after noon. It was B. She didn’t quite want to ask outright, she didn’t want to put me on the spot, so I volunteered what she wanted to know: her box? I got it to the post office. It was on its way back to the company that had sent her the wrong thing. All taken care of.

She was so relieved–and so was I that I hadn’t put it off till later in the day. It felt good to hear her happy.

And then I went and spent the rest of the day doing all the errands and all the things till I was too wiped to do anything but sit there and knit the back loops on the back loop.

Not a fan of synthetics, and this one was washable wool, but still, maybe I should make a mothproof one next time? Since such things tend to have sugary food in them and then be stored for most of a year sight unseen. What do you think?

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“So, world, what do you say we get it right?”, says lovely Mathias.

I should follow your lead and head to the post office after lunch so my sister-from-another-mother gets her birthday gift Friday.

Thank you for the extra motivation!

Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 05.24.17 @ 6:29 am

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