One and a half to two feet apart, the garden guide said.
I dug seven holes for my tomato seedlings a little closer than that tonight, tucked back there in the side yard. I stood back to assess: having thoroughly gophered the area, I needed half a dozen more if I’m going to plant all those little jiffy cups (some are already in bigger pots) and where on earth are they going to go? Blues, Sungolds, Pink Brandywine…
Marigolds around them, the stinkiest ones you can find, are supposed to deter squirrels but mine are still in seed form. I don’t think that counts.
Sure, you lose some tomato plants or at least I lose some tomato plants every year in the early stages (three out of my four blues are already gone) when the snails like them (I have copper tape for that now) and the squirrels take an experimental chomp and then spit the broken bits out. (Grrr.) Still. Thirteen survivors? I may have overdone this.
I gave the spade another good strong push and accidentally bounced the handle off my face. (Not too hard.) I ran out of daylight. Plant tomorrow. I’m done.
(I posted this and then went to see if Stephanie had posted yet.
She had. She had found the words at last. That is a love letter for the ages to bless us all.)
4 Comments so far
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I’m happy you stopped planting before injuring yourself. And thanks for the clue that Stephanie had posted. I’ve been checking daily, but when there was nothing Friday morning, I guessed We have to wait until Monday. Agreed, the best love letter a mom could write.
Comment by DebbieR 04.15.17 @ 7:17 amRemember to tear open the jiffy cups and loosen the rootball a little! We killed a lot of tomato seedlings one year because we thought the roots could break free of the peat pot on their own…nope. Did not work at all!
Comment by joanne 04.15.17 @ 10:54 amAlso remember to plant your tomatoes deep – the deeper the better, just leave 2 or 3 sets of leaves above ground – nip off the other leaves and put that stem in the ground – you can even lay them down in a trench and just leave that top part out of the soil. When planted, tomato stems will grow roots and give a really good solid footing. Good luck!
Chris S in Canada
Thank you for that link to her blog!
I am breathing deeply while her words resonate in my heart.
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 04.17.17 @ 7:15 amLeave a comment
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