The little boy with thick reddish-blond hair was coming down the big wooden steps outside to the deck that overlooks the forest of redwoods at Richard’s aunt’s. He was trying to master the art of doing each step in a single step of his own–but they were bigger than he was and he was practically doing the splits while trying not to tumble forward.
He would have, actually, but for his daddy right there holding his hand. A few side twirls around his daddy’s feet in the process were part of how it’s done.
He finally made that one last long big leap to the wooden planks that had been waiting below and I clapped and cheered, “You did it!”
At that the little boy with Down’s went right back up that step so he could do that again.
And again.
And again.
I caught on: I added, “Do it again!” after the “You did it!” as I clapped.
He did it again, with his dad loving that someone thought his little boy was cute.
On about the eighth round of this, he almost fell at the bottom and caught himself in a bit of a faceplant on the seat of the chair next to me, and so now we had a new game: he would go upwards, he would take a grand step down, I would cheer, “Yay! You did it!” and he would run to that chair and turn his head to the side just like when it wasn’t quite so on purpose.
A few more of those.
Finally, his daddy said, Okay, time to move on, little buddy–but little buddy didn’t want to move on at all, thanks. He had a new game. He had a new friend. This was going great.
I let them be–and then he did let his little guy go up that step one last time. I clapped this time like all the others, but instead I said, “Bye bye!” And he knew what you were supposed to do with a wave bye-bye: you go bye-bye.
And off he toddled hand-in-hand with his daddy to go say hi to the bride and groom.
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What a wonderful moment you are sharing with us!
Thank you!
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 04.24.17 @ 7:47 amLeave a comment
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