Filed under: Life
I got my groceries into the back seat, got in my car, turned on the lights, and put it in reverse.
And found myself staying right there.
I turned the car off, turned the lights off, took my foot off the brakes, and leaned out as I opened the car door. I knew if I didn’t ask it would bug me for a long time to come. I have a friend who had someone intervene when she most needed it, you never know…
The whole time she’d been standing there that same way and it was just–odd.
“Are you okay?” I hoped I didn’t sound nosey nor worried, just one woman checking for another’s sake out here in the dark. “Can I help?”
The tall thin blonde woman who had been resolutely facing away from everyone and holding very silent and still, even when a male Trader Joe’s cart herder tried to send a cheery hello her way as he excused himself going around her, turned her head this time to see who was talking to her.
“I’m waiting for my ride,” she said flatly and she turned back to staring at her cart motionlessly with her arms tucked in. After an 81 degree day it was by no means cold.
“Okay,” and I closed the door, turned the car and lights back on, and that was that.
Maybe everything was peachy. But I figured letting someone know someone else cared is always a good thing–and hopefully makes it easier for them to open up to the next person when they really do need help.
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It never hurts to check. You just never know when your words might make a difference.
Chris S in Canada
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