Filed under: Garden
As the two early peach trees give way to leaf we have more coming up behind.
The Baby Crawford that I planted last January after being introduced to the variety at Andy’s Orchard (*man* those are good!) Its first blossoms opened yesterday.
The Indian Free peach aimed at the neighbors across the fence, to their enthusiastic encouragement: its first blossoms opened today. Pretty good timing there.
And the darker Babcock? Sunday. And yet these will all ripen in different months.
The mango tree is growing like crazy on one side–so much so that I need to find a way to brace it: it’s starting to lean. Some pruning would help but I want to wait first to see if we’ll get more blossoms on it. It lost all of its dozens of baby mangoes in the big storm but it looks now like it’s trying to make up for it.
So much happy anticipation. So glad I planted all these.
The cherries, figs, apples, and pear: dormant for just a little longer.
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