Knitting diplomacy fail
Thursday February 09th 2017, 10:49 pm
Filed under: Friends,Knit,Life

I think maybe that was a mistake.

Yesterday we had our lupus support group meeting, and rather than have someone present info on some medical topic of the day it was requested that we come prepared to talk about our hobbies, our creative outlets, what we do that we enjoy.

I had no idea MR quilts, but wow does she ever. She brought some small ones to show us and I wished out loud that my mother, who also quilts, could have been there to see them.

The conversation continued around the room till me, the last in line. I said that if I took this out of its ziploc it was probably never going back in, and seeing the badly bulging bag coming out of my tote on that rainy day there was a chuckle around the room.

And so they dutifully admired the afghan project.

And then the leader of the group asked me the same question she’d asked the quilter: “How long did it take you to do that?”

“Well, usually an afghan takes me about an hour an inch but this one is taking two.”

Her eyes kind of bugged. “TWO HOURS an INCH?!” I could see any possible hope of interesting her in learning to knit instantly vanishing. Hard.

I knew that explaining untangling the balls of yarn and dropping and picking up every fourth stitch every sixth row down four rows certainly wasn’t going to help the cause, talking about five or six hour (or more) cowl or hat projects wouldn’t rescue it–I had already lost them all.

But hey, nice afghan.

(And now you have some context for yesterday’s tongue-in-cheek post.)

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Hahaha! They’ll never know what they’re missing!

Comment by Jody 02.10.17 @ 5:05 am

I agree with Jody! And as a quilter as well, there are some quilts that, if I crunch in all the design, cut, and sew time, are right around that hour an inch figure. And worth every minute.

Comment by DebbieR 02.10.17 @ 6:30 am

At least they have a more realistic idea of what kind of times are involved in knitting some things. Blankets don’t just ‘crank’ themselves out overnight. You may have just made them into someone who will ‘value’ a knitted gift more in the future. Or as the Yarnharlot calls them ‘knitworthy’.

Comment by Helen 02.10.17 @ 1:34 pm

yah, and it is why I only take mindless knitting along and wear something complicated -so I can say – I can crank a hat off (fine yarn 2.00 mm needles) in 6-8 hours or spend 160 on a sweater like this (complicated fairisle)

But I’ll be that quilter knew and appreciated the work that went into the blanket

Comment by Holly 02.10.17 @ 9:51 pm

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