Thank you all for the kind words about Al. Much appreciated.
Meantime, here is the Montagnais snowshoe side of the afghan. (It really is, isn’t it?)
As of now, it will use three 100 gram skeins of Malabrigo Rios in white, five in Solis, and five in Teal Feather and to really get it to the length I want I need to scrounge up another skein of Solis from somewhere–or even two.
This means it will weigh more than the baby till he’s, I dunno, twelve or so.
As for dyelots, I’m already alternating sections 1, 3, and 5, which match each other, with sections 2 and 4 from a second dyelot, and right now I’m nearly done with 3. Which matches 2 much more than 1, even though 1 and 3 are supposed to be the same and 2 isn’t. So I figure at this point just throw in anything.
If I can find it. I want to see it in person before I buy. If nothing else, Stitches West is next month.
1 Comment so far
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Stunning! And to know it’ll still be cherished when he’s like… 12! hihihi
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 01.14.17 @ 11:32 amLeave a comment
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