Re Chugach National Forest
Wednesday January 11th 2017, 11:14 pm
Filed under: Family,Knitting a Gift,Life

Which surrounded us as the catamaran floated across Prince William Sound last June.

Slowly, slowly, a glacial pace… And the interior portion will end with two rows of white just like that.

I tried to capture the texture of the thing with the camera; I’ve started to think of it as the bubble wrap blanket, although the intent was more towards an idea of tops of trees in the Alaskan snow. Even though it’s knitted pretty tightly, I think it will still flatten out once it’s washed but I am going to enjoy it like this while I can.

The back seems snowshoe-y to my eyes. (Scroll down to see their) Montagnais-style, perhaps.

2 Comments so far
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Oh, I love the texture, but knitting it would drive me insane (just as does trinity stitch).
I hope the recipient (or parent) appreciates the time, effort and history behind this!

Comment by Holly 01.12.17 @ 12:14 am

What a glorious blanket this is! Thank you for the pictures.

I really love these colours together… And all the love that is in every stitch too. 🙂

Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 01.12.17 @ 8:59 am

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