I love that yarn stores across the country were reporting shortages of pink yarn, and that Malabrigo dyed extra due to the demand, sure that it could not arrive in time but people were asking for it anyway.
I laughed at reading that the chunkier yarns went first. Well, yes, you can knit those faster.
The original pattern, for which the New York Times said Malabrigo Rios was the recommended yarn, was as simple as it gets: knit a length with ribbing at the ends, fold it in half and sew the sides and let the ends of the square stick out for the ears once you fit it over a round head. The beginneriest beginner can do it.
I loved the photo someone posted of a planeful of women on the way to the march in DC, some with their hats on for the camera. I grew up in the DC area. I remember the marches and the hitchhikers along the roads afterwards, the sense of being part of history even as an onlooker. I fervently wish I could be there, heck, I wish I could be at the local one but I just cannot risk the sun time with my lupus.
Not to mention that my friend Diana’s memorial service, saved for after the holidays so that people would be able to come, is tomorrow. Diana herself would have changed the date in a heartbeat had she known about the march but it is what it is and I will be cheering her on her way and her loved ones in their grief. And that is how we create the changes for the better around us: one person at a time in each moment as it comes and to the best of our abilities.
I love that Kate at Dragonfly Fibers, in my husband’s hometown of Kensington, MD, posted a picture of 1,500 donated handknit hats, many of them with a note from the knitter to the wearer. She had volunteered to be a distribution point. These had filled her van and she had that many more to put in.
Every single one has been spoken for now.
I love that the project has sparked an interest in knitting nationwide. I love that some entrepreneur designed one fast and got it out there with more realistic ears, mass produced, even if it was $35 and they’d forgotten in their rush to even say what the fiber content was. (So, probably acrylic.) The more hats made, the greater the chance that everybody could have one.
I just couldn’t quite love the idea of putting the Donald’s worst denigration of women on my own personal head. But after the marches tomorrow, I imagine every one of those handknit hats (and maybe even those manufactured ones) is going to be a treasured family heirloom and a proud story for the great grandkids to come. I imagine the knitters of the donated ones and the wearers finding and befriending each other, having already together promoted the ideals our country stands for.
I just so much love that everybody’s doing what they’re doing.
I got requests, and then more requests, and then I would have had to make three for those guys and then for these other guys too and and and there just seemed to be no way to do it right–my heart was with them but if I stopped knitting the afghan I might never return to it. It was a little overwhelming, knitting-wise. I bailed.
I finally wish I’d at least made one, too.
Don’t have any chunky pink but I can double the strands…
4 Comments so far
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oh – missed all of that.
which is probably just as well. Have been avoiding news and TV. Easy enough when traveling.
Yesterday (20th) when someone came in the lounge and said they wanted to change the channel from sports I just looked at her and quietly said – “Not everyone on this ship is American and sports are less controversial. You can watch in your own cabin.”
She left in a huff…
Comment by Holly 01.21.17 @ 4:20 amI received a bunch of donated yarn to make baby hats–most of which was junk, as donated yarn often is. I had wondered how those pink hats were made, she says while digging out the pink yarn.
Comment by Sharon Stanger 01.21.17 @ 8:19 amI knit six, and four went to strangers who marched, and one to my mother-in-law who has worked for voter enfranchisement and education most of her adult life, and I wore one on the way home from Florida, wishing I could have been in the DC march like my sister and sister-in-law, or in one of the marches in other cities like my daughters.
But now the march is over, though I am counting on it really being a beginning, and we’ll both have plenty of chances to take part in keeping this country loving and respectful.
Comment by twinsetellen 01.22.17 @ 3:22 pmI made four, gave away three and kept one! They’re fun, so easy, and amenable to endless variation. I kind of want to make more — I expect we’ll have more chances to wear them.
It was nice to talk to you for a minute at Green Planet Yarn on Thursday, btw!
Comment by Virginia 01.22.17 @ 11:45 pmLeave a comment
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