What is wrong with this picture?
When I knit this Monday I never even saw it. It was the first time I’d picked the project up since I broke my hand mid-November, having been expressly forbidden to in the beginning by the osteopath when I described it as heavy.
Tuesday morning I caught my foot on something immediately, and I mean immediately, after I’d taken the protective velcro splints off my hand to step into the shower and fell and landed with that very same finger a bit hyper extended.
But at least it was into the clothes in the closet for a soft landing. But so I didn’t dare knit for the last two days to let that calm down. I did not want it to hurt. If it didn’t hurt I didn’t have to tell the doctor. I did not want to start the whole ten week broken finger and knuckle routine from the beginning again.
Today was, yeah, yeah, I’m fine, c’mon, let’s get to it.
And there for all my good intentions it stared back at me just like that.
Willing it to just not be like that didn’t work.
I Lady McBeth’d it. Out %*# spots!
Anyone who’s ever knitted blister stitch, I can just hear you going, Tell me you didn’t…!
I did.
I ripped out the two white rows and then I kept right on going through the next four green ones. All that needed to be gone was the white ones. All the green that was ever knitted on this thing has just been plain old solid stockinette stitch–the white interrupts it later. I ripped out an hour’s worth of extra work for no good reason other than my visual memory brain damage.
Well, it is what it is and you work with the brain you’ve got. I do like that Rios. I made a point of feeling how soft it is, of thinking how good it would be for the baby, how easy on the parents since they could launder it and how it would full together a bit when they do to help baby proof the stitches from him just a bit. Just a bit. (Yeah right. Remember Parker’s blankie after his brother was born?)
And so I knitted it back up, and then the next section, and now I’m on the one after that. My goal is to finish one 100g skein every three days, if my hand will let me. It’s coming along.
3 Comments so far
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I am so sorry you had to correct that!
The result will be stunning though!!! And all the love in there? Wow…
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 01.05.17 @ 10:21 amand good for you that you did correct it! Take care of the hand. Right now you have two. Keep it that way
Comment by Holly 01.06.17 @ 12:20 amHa ha. And here I was feeling all chuffed because I found a 7 st repeat that was only 6 in my Gray Pine Forest Baby Blanket. We were at the hair salon this morning — he does me and DH, interspersed, so my color has time to set. I managed to rip back just those 6 sts to somewhere about 6 rows below where the missing YO should have been and reworked the full pattern back up. Without my glasses on, too. I can’t find it now to make sure it’s ok, hence feeling chuffed. Of course, this was after I had closed one needle in the car door when I ran back into the house to get the baby booties for a gift to his niece’s new baby. Sigh. Bent and semi-usable until a replacement arrives. Maybe even before we leave on Thursday morning so I can take this with me, but well, maybe not, so something else will be found to take.
So yeah, glad you got that fixed right. Maybe this one won’t be as hard on his blanket as Parker was. How’s Parker’s blanket been doing these days? He’s getting so big now.
Comment by Susan (sjanova) 01.07.17 @ 7:28 pmLeave a comment
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