We’ll see how it goes
Friday November 04th 2016, 10:26 pm
Filed under: Garden,Knitting a Gift

Tomato blossoms. In November. After all, someone’s got to feed the bees.

Re the afghan, I decided this morning that I couldn’t reconcile myself to the idea of the slightly misshapen areas that short-rowing would create. (For the non-knitters: doing a lot of short rowing at once is how you turn the heel of a sock. You get to a certain point in the row and turn and go back the other way without ever finishing the whole row, repeat as needed, then go all the way across eventually, making kind of half a pouch. For the afghan I would only have done that for a pair of rows at a time.)

I decided I had two choices–knit the thing with three sets of needles going while trying not to drop a whole lot of stitches, with smaller needles at the sides, or simply knit the sides mindfully and tightly as I go.

So I’m knitting the sides tightly. I’m also realizing they were knit more loosely not just because of their being a different stitch but because it’s so easy to zoom across the simple parts.

I was asked if it’s a pattern that’s out there already, and the answer is that I fudged one of Barbara Walker‘s color work patterns (I think it was that book, could have been the first treasury) and winged it after playing with a swatch. The afghan as a whole is nobody’s pattern but mine, to the best of my knowledge. Maybe it should stay that way, but if that ribbing does work out okay after all I’ll let you know.

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