The crows and ravens and I have an understanding: they do not land in my yard.
And they don’t. They tend at breeding season to test me as to whether this is still true, I chase them off when they try just once, and that’s that. Every year.
I’ve wondered if they had a sense of smell, and have often thought surely they would have to; how else could they scavenge? And so I found this really cool article on the whole subject of birds and smell and how oh yes they do, and why historically it was wrongly thought that they did not.
So. Two days ago to my great surprise a raven landed not only in my backyard but not at all far away from me and where I could see it out the window. Right there. Hey!
And it was staring at the mango tree while standing nearest to where the buds are.
I went outside to declare just whose territory this was in language I knew it understood and as it took off, two more–hard to tell if they were crows or ravens, their height was near the top of the redwood–were cawing loudly and flying towards me. That is definitely one type of bird I can hear.
I waved my arms and the closest veered instantly away over the neighbors’ just short of the fenceline.
Right. As if I could touch it from where I am. The second was coming up just behind where the first had, I waved my arms again and it veered sharply away, an instant replay, and they all went silent.
Mangoes have the most intensely scented, marvelous flowers of anything I’ve ever grown–mine bloomed just once a few months after I planted it and I’ve been wanting ever since to smell that glorious scent again.
The new, tightly closed buds have no smell–to me.
But as far as I can tell, that raven wanted to see what its nose said it had to have enough to risk my seeing it standing there.
Glad I saw it out there. Don’t know if it works on ravens but it might be time to start the fake dead crow at last.
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