Wednesday November 09th 2016, 12:25 am
Filed under: Friends,Politics

My friend Diana died yesterday morning. The one I delivered the butter-yellow cowl to Angie for. I’m glad Diana lived long enough to see some of her yarn go to honor her friend who had done a great deal to take care of her in her last illness.

My trust in my fellow Americans’ belief in working for the common good died today. They actually voted for the racist, sexual assaulting, white-supremacist, Nazi-imagery-tweeting, tax-dodging, contractor-defrauding con man who wants to wipe away the health insurance of millions of their fellow Americans. Who exults in his demagoguery.

I am staggered. I feel physically ill. He is a dangerous man unlike anything we have ever put into power before.

How. Could. They.

Don’t tell me about Roe v Wade as a reason (and some have on FB), that ruling stayed intact even when there were Republican Presidents and Congresses in power together. There are medical cases where there is no other choice so there needs to be that choice for those in those circumstances. If that means erring on the side of personal responsibility instead of governmental intrusion into the most painful of circumstances, then it does. Trump himself with all his affairs is probably personally responsible for a few abortions himself.

And now they want to give this angry narcissist, out of all the people in this entire country, the codes and the power to start nuclear wars should someone insult him at 3 am.

I am deeply afraid of what he will do. I am deeply afraid of what others will feel free to do because of him.

At least Diana didn’t have to see this.

14 Comments so far
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Regarding the election, some people just don’t get it… and Bernie should have been on the ticket.

Time to get on our knees (metaphorically in many cases), and pray that legislative checks and balances keep us all safe.

Comment by Anne 11.09.16 @ 2:08 am

I’m crying. For Diana. For us.

Comment by Afton 11.09.16 @ 3:52 am

I’m so concerned about our future. I need to take a break from social media and news for a while, so it doesn’t feed into my fears and make them worse. I am now putting my faith in the Constitution and hoping it holds.

Comment by Pegi 11.09.16 @ 4:15 am

Thank you for summing this up so well!

I was amazed at the people I know who voted for Trump. Fear of others seemed to be the unifying theme for many; for some it was “anybody but Hillary”. I never heard a rationale, well-thought out explanation for why he was the best choice.

Hopefully those of us who see through the deception can continue to set the example of how to rise above and treat others with respect.

I am comforted that locally (city/state/federal) my “neighbors” voted in candidates who are working to better our communities in ways that bring people together, not divide them.

Comment by wildknits 11.09.16 @ 6:01 am

What can one say? Now to try and be a better human as we will need everyone.

Comment by Helen 11.09.16 @ 6:19 am

I am sickened by the vote. I was saddened by the amount of hate that had been underground, but hoping that this election would allow us to lance that infection. No. It has been given permission to spread and infect that deadly hatred of others throughout our country. God help us all.

Comment by Mary Hunt 11.09.16 @ 7:45 am

I am sending a very soft hug your way.

I’ld knit you the softest shrug EVER right this minute if I could so as to comfort you the only way I can…

Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 11.09.16 @ 7:56 am

Yes. You have summed up every single point I know about the man. Horrifying. I went to bed with the slightest glimmer of hope, but the sick sense of dread in the pit of my stomach. His view, that of his VP, and the majority rule are absolutely scary, and I fear for the future. I don’t see the next 4 years making “America great again.”

Comment by DebbieR 11.09.16 @ 8:42 am

Many comforting hugs and prayers for your friend Diana! It is so hard to lose the ones that we love!

Regarding your thoughts on the election, I have to say AMEN sister! I have really, really struggled with this election and trying to figure out just how someone could support such a man as Trump. With all the hate speech and divisions and his reactionary temper, I have to trust that God knows what he is doing and am trying my very best to “let go and let God”.

Comment by Anne S 11.09.16 @ 10:04 am


Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 11.09.16 @ 10:36 am

You forgot a few adjectives I would have used. We have just gone through year of a President and Congress at odds and obstruction. Now what when the President, mentally unstable, and Congress sit on the same side of the aisle. What will become of our most vulnerable?

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 11.09.16 @ 4:29 pm

More Americans voted for Hillary than for hate. I hold onto that so I don’t start to hate the country, the way I hate the results of this election. I am crying with you.

Comment by twinsetellen 11.09.16 @ 5:37 pm

I’m with you. I lived through the 50s and 60s and don’t want to do so again. I don’t live my life through fear that someone might have something different than me, might be different than me.

America has always been great – we just don’t agree what great means. For me it means education and the ability to better one’s self. Health care to bring up generations in good health and to care for our vulnerable. To walk in the evening unsafe and unimpeded. To keep politics out of medical procedures.

I didn’t see Dignity and Respect out of that party….

Comment by Holly 11.10.16 @ 12:09 pm

We are certainly going to miss Diana. Already do. And yes, I’m glad she didn’t have to watch the popular vote for one and electoral vote for the other. Happened before, too. Wrong outcome both times. Sigh. Working on 2 years hence and then 4 years….

Comment by Susan (sjanova) 11.10.16 @ 6:57 pm

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