Playing a little with some Shibui Maai.
Photo two is closest to the color. Edit off left and right edges and what would remain reminds me of how in junior high we used to write on a piece of paper and fold it over and over till we had a numbered four-sided little toy you could pop over your hands.
Then you’d go ask a friend to pick a number. You would waggle the squares back and forth to the rhythm of your voice in answer; then stop, unfold the little flap that had the number they’d chosen, and there would be the great reveal as to what was written underneath. 1, 3? 4, 2? Life, the universe, and everything, there you go, the wisdom of our then-ages.
What did we call those things?
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I see it! When I was in school we called them cootie catchers, for reasons I cannot explain. But I remember making them for all sorts of fortune telling. The cowl is lovely.
Comment by DebbieR 10.27.16 @ 5:22 amI can’t remember the name either. Sometimes you had colors or numbers and you could ask one question and count out the moves, then ask a second question and pick a color and then…seems like there were three steps. Kids still make them in junior high. Up there with rock, scissors, paper 🙂 Great color in the yarn. You sure keep your hands busy. 🙂
Comment by Helen 10.27.16 @ 9:40 amI think we just called them fortune tellers. Search “paper fortune teller” and you can find a Wikipedia article on them.
Your knitting is much more attractive than they ever were!
Comment by twinsetellen 10.27.16 @ 7:51 pmLeave a comment
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