Three skeins per row today, four tomorrow.
I threw out some fruit that we hadn’t eaten soon enough and it was particularly sweet as well as having gone bad.
Our city-supplied composting bin is out the side door just off the kitchen and under the overhang so that I don’t have to walk out in the sunlight to deal with food scraps. Lupus and all that.
This morning: this.
Can a raccoon jump that high? Onto a surface like that? (Too big a jaw, too fast and too nighttime, I don’t think it was squirrels.)
Did it climb a tree, jump down onto the house, and then jump off the overhang onto the lid? We’ve had raccoon paw prints on the skylight so we know they can get up there–jumping off the roof, though, I’m far less sure of.
But however it got there, that lid would be so easy to lift, so easy to open, to reach right into that fruit, if there weren’t this…this…darn deadweight sitting on top of it.
Did it get in to all that delicious rottingness inside?
That one I can answer: not yet.
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I can testify…yes, they can. We lived in the woods until about a year ago. You wouldn’t believe the raccoon hi-jinks!!! They are smart, and they can get into just about ANYTHING!!! They’re cute, but they can be so destructive. We spent 18 years trying to outsmart them! LOL!
Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 10.31.16 @ 10:17 amLeave a comment
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