So the problem was only finding four of the mini cupcake pans–I know there used to be six, but then I had only one working oven for years; I probably gave the other two away, having no reason to hog them. Okay.
Mini paper liners, check.
But this batter is turning out to be way too much unless I wash and dry the first set of pans as they come out and the second set goes in, and then again. (The second oven’s busy with something else anyway.)
Butt-checking the baker: hey, that works, too!
(Final tally: 78-12. Not counting the ones we ate already.)
2 Comments so far
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Ooops! Hoping no heads were bumped in the process. Once, a friend helping another with a cookie batch grabbed the pan out of the oven and turned quickly to place it on the counter behind her. Not knowing the pans were super non-stick. Flying chocolate chip.
Comment by DebbieR 09.19.16 @ 5:13 amOuch! The cleanup takes some of the fun out of the process.
At least you had enough to eat and share!
Guess I’m a hog. When I get good baking pans, I don’t give them away – I might lend them, but they come back. I take them to church to bake with the Sunday School kids now and again, my daughter uses them, friends use them – but they come back. Just can’t let go of the good ones!
Haven’t heard anything lately – how is the hubby’s foot? Getting better – doing well I hope!
Chris S in Canada
Comment by Chris S 09.19.16 @ 8:17 pmLeave a comment
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