A decision that yes they wanted him in San Jose today and so he hopped on a plane after telling us last night that that might be what would happen.
When you’re traveling on business often there’s no time for anything but work and sleep, period, but our older son carved out the time to go out to dinner with us tonight.
Ever go on a long trip and when you come home, it’s like things are distorted: the countertops aren’t quite at the right height and when did that hallway become that width and it’s like when you have a new glasses prescription and the floor and your feet are the wrong amount of space away from you, and then after about a minute or two everything’s back to normal?
Or is that just me?
Anyway. He got to the restaurant before we did, and as he rose to greet us in that very tall-ceilinged place (maybe that was part of it) I looked up at our 6’10” son (6’9″, I always thought, but I’ve been corrected) and wondered, wait: when did you get even taller yet compared to way down here?
He asked me how I was doing and I said, I’m shrinking. He chuckled.
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Taller, shorter, chuckles and all, I bet it was a delightful evening shared by all. And I’m not sure I’ve felt counters were off, but a time away does make me view my house a little differently.
Comment by DebbieR 09.21.16 @ 5:21 amLeave a comment
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