Because I just felt like it
Monday August 29th 2016, 10:31 pm
Filed under: Family,Life

Michelle had borrowed our car and stopped by home for me to drive her home. Before we headed out, Richard offered a short list of things he needed picked up on my way back: more wraps and gauze pads for his still-healing foot.

Sure, no problem.

I dropped her off, waved goodbye… And somehow just didn’t feel like going to the drugstore. I examined the thought, wondering: lazy? Tired? Dinner time? It would be a quick jaunt and done, if through a bit of rush hour traffic.

My car headed towards home as I argued with it but I felt no particular angst over going that way. Eh. I can go after dinner. Or maybe I need to make sure I’ve got a full list from him as to what he needs, yeah, that’s it.

Right, because smartphones can’t text–I didn’t even think of the phone or any of that.

I pulled into my own driveway, put it in park, had almost turned it off.

When I saw it.

The little yellow light icon that looks like a key broken in half with a squiggly line in between. Why…and then it staggered me what had just happened. Wait, how did it keep running if my keys were still in her purse?

Sometimes, said my sweetie after I asked him that question, it’ll keep running if it’s already on when the key leaves.

Had I gone straight to that drugstore I’d have been stranded with no way for either of them to reach me. And, turns out, I’d left my phone home. Where everybody’s phone numbers were stored. At rush hour, at dinner time, when it would have been maximum inconvenience to anybody else to come to my rescue if I’d even been able to figure out how to reach them.

But instead I’d gone straight home to where the second set of keys was.

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It’skarma! The universe knew what you needed …. ~chris

Comment by chris 08.30.16 @ 7:00 am

We now do a double check with each other for key fobs whenever I drop him off at the airport for that very reason! Even with a phone to call, he wouldn’t be able to come to my rescue and I almost always run an errand or two on my way home.

Comment by Barbara S. 08.30.16 @ 7:07 am

Another tender mercy.

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 08.30.16 @ 7:10 am

Did I read this all wrong? Was the car working w/o key? If so, creepy. Hope I’m wrong (thinking Anton Yelchin)

I don’t drive so am very dim in that department.

Comment by LynnM 08.30.16 @ 1:25 pm

That “sometimes” your husband mentioned, isn’t something I’d want to count on. There was an angel riding with you and prompting you to go home. “Mysterious ways, His wonders to perform”.

Lucky you.
Chris S in Canada

Comment by Chris S 08.30.16 @ 8:14 pm

We did this once. Luckily, DH was only parking the car around the corner from the movie theater where I was buying tickets. Now we try really hard to double check!

Comment by twinsetellen 08.31.16 @ 12:19 pm

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