Filed under: Knit
The tech took about nineteen minutes, and I know that because I was just shy of finishing a second row when he came back with my ears.
I was at the audiologist’s, having my hearing aids cleaned, and apologized to the two women who came in and wanted to start a conversation about what I was knitting: I leaned way forward and watched their faces and still didn’t quite catch what they were saying. That though at least is one place where people get it when you can’t hear.
But I did get the question as to what the name of the pattern was.
Ostrich Plumes.
They were delighted, and one turned to the other and as she spoke her hands mimed wrapping a shawl tightly around her shoulders in great happiness at what clearly was a fond memory.
Which made me happy, and motivated to knit more.
She wanted to touch the yarn, and yes, sure!
Size 5 needles, 49″ wide by 21″ long so far–or so–you know how stretchy things lie at measuring–not bad for the first week.
(Ed. to add: unblocked, it looks right now like a knitted version of the cushy thing in the peach boxes to keep the fruit from bruising. I like that.)
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