You pay for what you get?
Wednesday June 29th 2016, 7:04 pm
Filed under: Life,Non-Knitting

Someone explain to me….?

A 45-mph expressway, divided, two lanes each way. A large and expensive SUV pulled over to the side where there was a bike lane but no real shoulder and driver and passenger doors were wide open, the driver’s actually jutting into the lane of traffic. He couldn’t pull far enough off because there was a line of flowering dense shrubbery you often see planted around here on such roadways to stop out-of-control cars.

And behind the SUV was a woman in a long white wedding dress, her hair swept upwards and elaborately braided for just such an occasion. She looked gorgeous.

And she was creating a beautiful bouquet in her left hand from the pink flowers she was stealing from those bushes with her right. I watched her take one as my car approached, staying in the left lane to avoid his car door.

And they were oleander.

Every part of the oleander plant is very poisonous. Our house had one when we bought it and we had little kids and got rid of it for their safety.

If I were the groom I’d keep a sharp eye on that one. Except that that was probably him coming around the front of the car to join her.

Y’know, we could definitely play the game of “write endings to this story.”

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As long as it doesn’t end with someone crashing into their open doors. Sheesh!

Comment by twinsetellen 06.29.16 @ 9:51 pm

If they both didn’t get back in that vehicle quickly the ending may write itself. lol Yeah, I’m guessing neither of them are into plants. Could have been poinsettia.

Comment by Helen 06.30.16 @ 11:28 am

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