Berry the problem
Saturday June 04th 2016, 1:44 pm
Filed under: Family,Food

Grabbing a quick moment on the run to say thank you everybody and the head is reasonably okay, all things considered. I was afraid of it being dangerous and it’s not. I do actually have a padded leather helmet these days, I just wasn’t wearing it at the right moment.

Meantime. One person here on dietary restrictions can eat raspberries as a particular treat and the raspberries got eaten.


My youngest walked in the door from the grocery store not too many moments after with 24 oz of fresh raspberries: it had been anticipated. There’s plenty out there, no problem.

Looking out for each other. It’s what the day is for.

4 Comments so far
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I hope you’re ok!

Comment by Jody 06.04.16 @ 2:17 pm

Glad it’s not dangerous! Keep enjoying the company!

Comment by Pegi 06.04.16 @ 3:46 pm

Oh, my! I’m glad you are enjoying the raspberries, but distressed to come back after a few days away to find you with a bumped noggin. Please take care of one of my favorite knitters!

Comment by twinsetellen 06.05.16 @ 7:00 am

Oh boy – if I knew where to send it, I’d be tempted to order up a truckload of bubble-wrap and have it delivered to your front door.

I know you do your best to be careful, but my goodness you’re going to have to think outside the box to keep the bumps away!

Chris S in Canada

Comment by Chris S 06.05.16 @ 12:23 pm

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