Filed under: Garden
See that iris in the background? This is the first time it’s bloomed in several years. We really did get a lot more rain this winter.
Dark pink buds: the Tangy Green Columnar I planted a year ago. Since I don’t really expect the bees to zip around the house to get to it from the other apples like it needs, as soon as they open I’ll snip a flowering branch from the old Yellow Transparent and put it in a glass of water next to it.
Meantime, the English Morello tart cherry continues to open up. It, too, is not quite three feet high. Someday, someday, it will be tall enough to offer cherries to the neighbors across the fence.
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I wish we could send you half of the snow/ice rain expected today and overnight!
Thank you for sharing the beauty of your world with us.
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 03.24.16 @ 6:33 amWe’re getting rain and snow in Winnipeg tonight, too! Montreal is far away from here though. 🙂
As for the apple trees, you know, in my neighborhood, there are lone apple trees all over the place–in separate yards- that get pollinated. My guess is the bees will go a fair piece down the block to do their jobs…of course, don’t leave it to chance this year, but in the future? It might be worth an experiment?
Comment by Joanne 03.24.16 @ 6:53 pmLeave a comment
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