The phone rang. Then the doorbell did. Surprise!
My daughter-in-law’s mom’s large family was having a reunion this weekend and Great Grandma lives maybe a mile from us. The kids didn’t tell us they were coming because the way things were scheduled they weren’t sure they could get away for a moment. But they couldn’t not come…!
Maddy was entranced by the birds. The doves ambled off to the grass as she approached the window but the finches weren’t leaving that feeder.
Parker found the tennis racquet-shaped bug zapper that was behind the toy basket because, um, we weren’t quite child-proofed just then. No harm.
Hudson showed me how to turn the tractor on so it would make tractor-y noises.
I love this last photo. Baby photo, meet In Real Life little boy. Even if it is his brother.
4 Comments so far
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Hooray! What a lovely surprise!
Comment by DebbieR 03.27.16 @ 6:49 amOh, my, they are growing up so fast. I don’t think I could stand it except that I get on a plane Wednesday morning to go see ours!
Comment by twinsetellen 03.28.16 @ 7:54 pmLeave a comment
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