Monday March 14th 2016, 10:52 pm
Filed under: Friends,Wildlife

Spring equinox is Saturday and today was definitely a hawk day. A Cooper’s swooped into the upper part of the redwood while I was pulling weeds in the back yard, a Cooper’s pair flew together low enough over my car for a good ID when I was a few blocks from home, there was a large bird announcing its opinion that didn’t sound like a crow while I was back to pulling those weeds, and when I went inside to fix dinner, a male Cooper’s perched on the now-closed yard-waste bin and had a fine time watching us watching him.

Good spot I’d made him: he could see into the patio alcove from there while blocking the escape of anyone hanging around the second feeder or the giant elephant ear below it. Nice. He approved.

Then finally while I was outside again pulling yet more weeds near the back of the house (did these all sprout since last week? I did here already!), well, there I was in the way and I just seemed to be making a habit of this–there was a sudden side blur close to the lemon tree with a crash-noisy landing a dozen feet behind me in the neighbor’s honeysuckle patch.

That was no dove. I know what their wings sound like and this one was silent until that very last moment.

I was torn between dashing a few steps to the side for a better look and allowing the hawk to continue to tolerate my presence like that (if it was still even there.) I stayed bent over those weeds. I do confess to a quick glance.

I’ve had my Coopernicus friend fly right up to the window before but I’ve never had one fly past me outside. It must have seen a chance it couldn’t miss. And frankly I’d been delaying his feeding his young long enough, most likely.

That bin might start spending more time around that spot. He liked it. Hey Mikey. I like getting to see him pretty close up.

Oh, and a p.s. on yesterday: I am told I missed one thing the stake president said in his talk: he said his socks were boring, all of them. All but this one pair, this one really cool pair, and he was wearing them right now.

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