Those leaves at upper center aren’t in front of the fence: they’re under it. That’s a skunk-size hole. I can stop feeling guilty now for cinnamoning the root-eaters over to the neighbors’ garden. Gophers beware. (Besides, how often do you get to cheer on a skunk?)
Meantime, wow, what a news day. My condolences to Justice Scalia’s family and friends.
I can talk about money being the megaphone rather than the actual speech another day.
So. About that Republican debate tonight where Rafael Eduardo Cruz was talking about his dad’s humble underwear and Trump was yelling LIAR! at Jeb when he wasn’t yelling it louder at Cruz and he almost, almost threw in the pants on fire part and you just knew he wanted to and Rubio got into a shouting match with Ted and Jeb and back to Trump… Cruz accusing Rubio of saying things in Spanish on Univision and Rubio shooting back, “You don’t speak Spanish!”
Dig a little deeper, guys, keep going–as Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian put it, Some Jerry Springer guests have more decorum, this is great fun to watch!
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All I know is that Ted Cruz absolutely CANNOT be president (irrespective of politics), because his voice drives me NUTS. I like Marco Rubio’s voice, though. He can stay.
Comment by Lanafactrix 02.14.16 @ 5:50 pmLeave a comment
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