Zombie night
Wednesday January 20th 2016, 10:31 pm
Filed under: Family,Life

The alarm went off at 5:50 am Eastern and Karen got me to the airport and Michelle brought me home.

At 4:15 pm Pacific I was sitting in front of the arrival/baggage claim doors and on the phone as the security guy walked up to my window because my car had stayed in one spot too long, with me saying into my cell, window rolled down so the guy could hear, I’m right here. Where are you?

Richard was saying the same thing.

Me to the security guard: Do you see a 6’8″ guy wearing a hat?

(Into the phone) Which here?

(Out of the phone) Oakland, where are you?

(Oh… Crud….) San Jose airport.

And that is how I spent four hours in rush hour stop-and-go traffic, ameliorated by a half hour break at a burger joint the last hour so we could both get a break and a bite and a bit of respite on that traffic. 3:30 to 8:00.

It is now 9:30 Pacific time and I just found that the load of underwear in the washing machine that we’re staying up for and that I just went to put in the dryer had a travel ziplock in the load and it had vitamin C chewables in it. There is a huge, vivid orange splotch placed just exactly so on that one pair of his…

Oh bleep. Forget it. Set it to extra rinse with that piece taken out, hope there are no others and call it a night.

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Yes, that is one of the challenges of a place with more than one airport. DC is like that, as you well know.

Comment by LauraN 01.20.16 @ 11:53 pm

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