Well, if you can’t have lobster…
Wednesday November 18th 2015, 11:25 pm
Filed under: Food,Recipes

An old New England dish for cold nights: chopped onions and peeled chopped tart apples, sautéed awhile with some good sausage (fat drained). Take off the heat, pour a little maple syrup over it–grade B if you can find it has more flavor than A–and that’s it.

Except that the sausage had a bit too much sage to it. It needed…something. Hmm. I have tiny frozen cubes from Trader Joe’s that are a teaspoon each of pureed basil and I let one melt into the pot, trying not to let it actually cook since that can make basil bitter.

I had no idea how it would come out–basil and Granny Smiths and maple syrup? But just a bit, and it totally made the dish and I am definitely doing that again. Writing here to remember.

And then the other discovery: Trader Joe’s small chèvre cheese logs rolled in blueberries and vanilla. I put a slice on one of their crunchy little Triple Ginger Snap cookies on impulse rather than a cracker.






WOW that was good.

Lots of places sell such a goat cheese in various sizes; Trader Joe’s is just the right width for those small snaps with bits of candied ginger in them.

Thanksgiving table here we come. Definitely earned its spot.

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I’ll have to try the sausage/apple/onion thing. Big guy loves sausages – I’m picky about which ones I’ll have. Sounds like a nice little Saturday night supper to me.

Cheese on (almost) anything! Oh I love cheese, I have some every day. We have a national grocery chain (Loblaw’s) that carries it’s own brand of wonderful flavoured goat cheese logs. The fig one is to die for – on crackers, on bread, on little vanilla cookies, on a spoon, whatever. Just bought a peach pie one that my co-worker says is awesome, will try it tomorrow. Even the plain ones or the ones rolled in herbs are great.

Now and again the big guy and I have an appetizer supper. Cheeses, pate, crackers, bread, pickles, olives, salami slices, whatever strikes our fancy. perhaps a glass of wine or beer, for me mostly just a cup of tea. Arranged nicely on a platter or two and we sit at the table or coffee table and chat or watch a movie. Delightful and so easy to get ready. Lovely in the summertime on a shaded patio.

Uh oh – getting hungry. Gotta go!
Chris S in Canada

Comment by Chris S 11.20.15 @ 4:18 pm

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