I’ve been wondering why it hasn’t made national screaming headlines: the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge is gone! No more R3! After two or four years there depending on whom you ask, it’s finally gone, do you hear me, GONE! Throw in an El Nino and boom, drought over, right?
Hey, where is everybody?
So I spent some time trying to find out why, since it’s such huge news, and the answer seems to be that nobody really knows why we had this bulletproof wall of air parked off the coast in the first place.
Which means they don’t know if it might come back at any moment, and that would tamp down the rejoicing, yes.
That really hard winter the East Coast had last year? R3 was bouncing all the tropical moisture that was supposed to come to us straight on up towards the Arctic, where it went on vacation and took in the sights and visited Denali National Park and combed the musk oxen at an Eskimo town and toured uppermost Canada and then came back down on the other side of the country and took off its new polar bear coat.
‘They got our water and Alaska’s cold and we got nuthin’.
Rain is predicted again in a few days. We’re off to a decent start.
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I wonder if it will come back?
And I hope that you are feeling better…falling jars things you didn’t even know you owned. Take care, my friend.
Enjoy the moisture! When I tell people here about how serious the drought has been, I often mention you catching the water from your rinsed hands in a bowl in the sink for use on plants later. It impresses them.
Comment by twinsetellen 11.05.15 @ 9:18 pmLeave a comment
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