Filed under: Wildlife
Remember the Kermit?
A dirty off-white Tupperware lid for a cup yesterday. We Goodwilled all ours a very long time ago and never did have one that size. I found it in the back yard within a foot or two of where the Kermit ornament had shown up; it was framed by the tiniest sprigs of green grass starting to poke up out of the plain dirt after the rains, and as I leaned over to pick it up, a raven flew rather low directly over, turning its head to continue to watch me retrieving the treasure. Or just because I was watching it.
So I’ve been wondering, would it have been a tool to a corvid? To do what with? Or is it just bringing things here because this is where birds go?
In other words, a raven knows more than I do, apparently. Pretty funny, actually. I wonder what I’ll find next.
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Do some of these birds tuck into your bird feeder? Maybe it’s a “Thank you.”
Comment by LynnM 11.21.15 @ 1:58 amMy mother’s cat used to lay dead mice and moles at her feet (it really freaked her out!). My father told her the cat was saving up to make her a fur coat! LOL! Maybe the birds are showing their fondness for you.
Comment by Jody 11.21.15 @ 7:18 amLeave a comment
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