In the choreography of G_d department that let a grieving mother know she is not alone.
A few friends of mine shared, via Facebook, an account written by a woman who was out having a meal last week with her friends. They happened to be the mother and sister of Sandra Bland, the young African-American woman on her way to her new job at a university in Texas who was pulled over for not signaling and who inexplicably, inexcusably died in a jail cell for it days later. Some say the background of her mug shot was the jail floor, that she was already dead by the time it was taken.
But this, rather, is what the woman writes about.
A man walked into that restaurant and sat down at another table, alone.
After some moments the writer, marveling, got up the courage to go ask him if he were indeed he. He was, and, invited, yes, he wanted to meet them very much.
They, not he, asked for pictures to capture the moment.
He said Sandra’s name at Tuesday night’s debate to comfort her mother and sister, that she might not be forgotten.
Because that’s who Bernie Sanders is.
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Thanks for this.
Comment by Sherry in Idaho 10.17.15 @ 7:59 amLeave a comment
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