Tuesday was, as usual, watering day, as we hope hard for an end to the drought soon.
Wednesday, with the plants nice and plump and me away at my lupus group meeting, turned into steal-the-zucchinis day. And not just that: the squirrels tore open the stems of several leaves to get at any fluids they could. It’s been three days above 100 degrees in a row and I guess they’re desperate but I won’t have a plant if they keep that up. They did miss one last zucchini, and I would have given it one more day but I knew they wouldn’t so it’s safely in the fridge now.
I wasn’t letting them walk near my caged tomatoes after that. Which meant chasing them away a few times rather than letting them test my setup.
Probably because I hadn’t used the squirt gun, one large gray running down the fencetop highway this evening got to the edge of the property, turned around, walked quite deliberately back to its favorite spot up there and yelled at me.
Wait. That’s a squirrel sound? That’s way too low pitched. Can squirrels get hoarse? Seriously, can they?
The door was open and Richard was home and he opined that it had been a bird he’d heard. Too low for a squirrel.
Well, the sound was with it looking at me and stopped when I chased it away a second time and started up again when it came back to that same claimed spot and tried to give me what-all once again for interfering with its meal. Squirrel. Curious.
Oh and on a completely different note? I found myself driving behind a Tesla X today: DeLorean-type Gull wing doors, seven-seater SUV, and it seemed to actually have headroom enough for tall people. (Yo! Elon Musk! We need 6’8″ and 6’9″ers to be able to fit into your cars.) I didn’t even know these existed yet! Total fantasyland for us but that is one cool car. We got one of the first Priuses but we’ll have to pass on early-adopter status on this one.
Okay, do the click-and-drag on those doors. Do you see what I see? Wallace and Gromit? I’m dog-earing that page.
(Update 9/30: Turns out the X was actually released yesterday. What I saw must have been a company-owned car in pre-release.)
2 Comments so far
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Totally Gromit! Made me giggle. Thanks!
Comment by DebbieR 09.09.15 @ 11:56 pmOh that is so totally Wallace and Gromit – hilarious, entirely too entertaining for someone my age, but fun to play with the click and drag! On a similar note – have you been to the Shaun the Sheep movie yet? Not at my local theatre yet, but hoping soon.
Chris S in Canada
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