Someone fairly new to the area gave a talk in church today and introduced herself a bit. She mentioned her love of knitting chemo caps and how knitting for others in need had centered her when she was struggling.
Then she starting having aches and pains herself but shrugged them off–until she couldn’t: it was uterine cancer.
And that’s how they found out she had ovarian cancer too. The uterine had saved her life because it had given her symptoms.
And there were her friends from her knitting group, keeping her company during the long days in the hospital.
I’d wondered if her hair meant… It’s growing back in nicely.
Richard and I came home and shortly after we found ourselves exclaiming, Oh look!
He stayed a good fifteen minutes and I thought in my friend’s direction, Honey, someone’s looking out for you too now.
Richard, looking for his camera quickly (no luck) and wishing for a better shot than my iPhone could do at that distance wondered if it were a new hawk; I said, could be but could be the lighting. The fact that it let me pick up and point my phone at him says to me it’s my old friend Coopernicus back.
Equinox cometh and territories must be reclaimed. And so we are here.
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I love how knitting can bring people together and center them as they proceed. I so hope all cancer treatment goes as well as it possibly can.
Comment by RobinM 09.14.15 @ 3:50 pmLeave a comment
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